Your Get Away Invites Burglars To Play
Your get away invites burglars to play.

Memorial day is just around the corner and that means we're out and about enjoying the MN weather and taking vacations.
But as we're taking time off, burglars are working over time.
Here our tips for keeping your house safe while you're enjoying some time away.
-Stay alert before your go. Burglars often case houses before hand. Have you noticed anyone unusual around lately?
- Make sure your lawn is mowed before-hand. If you're going to be gone long enough for it grow back to a noticeable amount, ask a neighbor to help you out or hire someone to mow it while you're gone. Burglars often gauge an un-mowed lawn as indication no one is around.
- Make sure to eliminate blind-spots in any way you can. Burglars like homes where they can gain access and leave undetected, tall shrubs, unkempt trees and high fences are all favorites of thieves.
-Consider hiring a house sitter, asking a neighbor to pick up mail, and to make sure your home is well lit while your away.
-Check your social media settings. Restrict who can see your posts so you're not broadcasting to everyone you're away.
**If you can: consider installing your security system before your first trip away. You'll have peace of mind with notifications of unusual activity or any other home emergency (fire, carbon monoxide, flooding...)
-You'll be able to regulate house temps to save money on energy while you're away.
-If you have smart locks you can control access to your home, to let your neighbors or house sitter in.
-If something is wrong, you're not just notified, but safety officials are too.
ONE FINAL NOTE: Let your local PD know you're gone. You can ask them to do drive-bys and make sure everything looks okay.
-Extra patrols in the neighborhood also keep burglars away.
Make life easier on yourself. Check out your home security options today with a free consultation.
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Minnesota Security
(952) 224-9191
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