Love, Care & Extra Attention
Today is National Adopt a Shelter Pet Day.
And we have a soft spot in our hearts for our Fur-babies!
Here are some things you should know first:
-Your new pet will need some time to adjust into their forever home
-Try to avoid Trigger-Stacking: things that may cause your pet to experience anxiety. (for example parties, lots of strangers or taking to the dog park right away)
-Your pet may experience seperation anxiety
-Don't give your pet free roam of the house right away
-Shelter pets are great for families with kids
-You'll be their hero!
Because our hearts beat for our fur-friends, our systems make it easy for fur-parents to continue with their own routine, even when bringing home a new furry-family member.
From: Video check-ins, automatic feeds and easy & safe access for pet-sitters, just to name a few.
*ask us how our systems can help make your home even more fur-friendly.
No complicated and expensive packages.
Ask us your unique security questions and/or learn more:
Minnesota Security
(952) 224-9191
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