Our final essential for renting your home for the big game (3)

A Minneapolis resident was quoted when asked about renting his home for #SuperBowl weekend by a local paper, he hopes he'll get "$10,000 a night for the week before the Feb. 4 game. But if I only rent it for one day and make $5,000, I’ll consider that a windfall.”
This resident is like many of the 2000+ homes renting the first weekend in February in the twin cities.
So our final must-have essential for renting your home out during such an eventful weekend is:
You will want to keep an eye on your property — even when you can’t be there in person.
Connected security cameras let you see what’s going on at all times, right from your smartphone or other Wi-Fi enabled device. Some systems can even be programmed to send a text or alert if the camera detects suspicious movement.
Security cameras are great for both long-term rentals and temporary Airbnb stays. They’ll help you monitor the property’s surroundings remotely and watch out for intruders.
Minnesota Security will design a user-friendly security or smart-home system that fits your home and individual needs, tailored to your lifestyle.
No complicated and expensive packages.
Easy and always covered.
Control and monitor your entire smart home system through one app, for complete convenience wherever you go (even on your Apple Watch)
Ask us your unique security questions and/or learn more:
(952) 224-9191
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