Local Crime: It happened so fast
Local Crime:

We wanted to share this post for a couple of reasons.
- 1. It was great this person had a security camera
*It may not be the best, but it's a start and a good visual to hep warn other parents.
- 2. It was noted how fast this car theft took. About a minute!
- 3. The car theifs were surveying the neighborhood right before.
- 4. Car theives seem to favor this area for one reason or another
5. A good reminder to lock your cars, hide valuables, if you have a garage, make sure you're not making it easy for theives to get in
*Double check to make sure the garage door is closed &
*Don't leave your garage door opener in plain sight (especially if for some reason you're not parking in your garage)
*Don't leave extra house keys in your car
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