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Don't be a victim of Halloween Vandalism

Some of our metro neighbors last year had to deal with their UNfair-share of Mischief Night Vandals

Not only is this annoying and hard to clean-up but it is also very scary for a lot of homeowners

Here our pro tips to ward off -Mischief Night Vandals this year:

- Stay home. Staying home is the best way to prevent vandals from striking. Leave a light on throughout the night so that potential vandals know there is someone awake and watching.

- If you can’t stay home, make it look like you’re home. Leave a light on, let the TV or radio play, or employ a device that mimics the flickering light of a television screen.

- Hide yard toys. Put away your children’s skateboards and bicycles. You don’t want them to tempt vandals to either use them or steal them.

- Protect your car. Cars can be easy targets for teens who need to quickly do their damage and leave. Put your car in the garage. If you don’t have a garage, make sure you lock the car doors, and think about investing in a car cover.

- Move your pumpkins to a place that's hard to get to /or move them inside

- Post signs. The signs announcing your home security system are likely small and difficult to see in the dark.

Posting larger, more visible “Keep Out” or “No Trespassing” signs may actually do the trick.

- If you have home security alerts - make sure you have your devices nearby to get those alerts that someone is on your property.

- If your neighborhood experienced issues last year, call your non-emergency number and request that police squad cars patrol your area more than usual.

Ask us your questoins on how to keep your home and business protected.

-- Minnesota Security​ will design a user-friendly security system that fits your home and individual needs, tailored to your lifestyle.

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Ask us your unique security questions and/or learn more: (952) 224-9191

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