I swear, my Grandma acts like she's younger than me...
Grandparents today, certainly aren't the grandparents of our parents' generation.
They're more active then ever before and nearly 90 of seniors say they want to stay in their homes as they age, even if they begin to need day-to-day assistance.
What's interesting as more and more baby-boomers hop onto social media (56 % of facebook users are 65 yrs and older) technology also seems to be playing an important part of helping that above 90 % achieve their goal of staying in their homes as they age.
High-tech monitoring systems and other gadgets are helping seniors age in place independently, while giving family members peace of mind in the process. What’s more, home-based tech tools could be far less expensive than moving into an assisted living environment.
Take for example: Alarm.com’s Wellness independent living solution integrates a suite of sensors and devices, and applies machine learning algorithms to the data they generate to proactively detect changes that may suggest risks. Wellness can report about changes in activity levels, sleeping and eating patterns, bathroom visit frequency and medication adherence, as well as emergency situations like wandering out of the home or falls.

Less intrusive (and frankly, smarter) than video cameras, sensors can go on doors, windows, cabinets, chairs, under bed sheets, and so on.
Coupled with Alarm.com’s home security solution, Wellness is about $50/month, after installation costs, but pricing depends on the service provider and the exact mix of devices and sensors.
What questions do you have about senior wellness for yourself or family member?
--- Minnesota Security will design a user-friendly security system that fits your home and individual needs, tailored to your lifestyle.
No complicated and expensive packages. Easy and always covered. Control and monitor your entire smart home system through one app, for complete convenience wherever you go (even on your Apple Watch)
Ask us your unique security questions and/or learn more: (952) 224-9191 info@minnesotasecurity.com https://www.minnesotasecurity.com/
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