Local Crime: Foster Pup Stolen During Home Burglary
Oh our hearts are heavy!!! 🐶

First, having someone break into your home can shake you to the core.
Second, having someone break into your home while you and your family are a sleep, terrifying!
Third, when someone breaks into your home (you might be able to get past some of the items they took- they are just things after all) and takes a pet who you've opened your heart to....now that's sickening.
This is what got us the most: "then my daughter came running up the stairs balling, and she’s like, ‘They took the dog!’”
Robbinsdale police located the family’s car Thursday morning, but there are no leads on who is responsible for the burglary, and no leads on Sherman’s whereabouts.
They are asking the person who is responsible to drop the dog off at any veterinarian clinic in Minnesota, no questions asked.
Let's continue to spread the word and see if we can't help bring this pup home safely.
Read the article @ http://ow.ly/wXcS30kizS1
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