Would your dog protect you from an intruder, or would they run for the hills?!
We love this question: Would your dog protect you from an intruder, or would they run for the hills?! Comment below with what you think your pup might do. Protect or flee?

Check out this very question presented by Inside Edition: http://ow.ly/gSBj30jOX2t For those of us without a protective pet, a quick response to a home invasion is most important. Make sure you have a back up plan for your pooch. 🐕 *ask us how our systems can help make your home safer for you and your family. -- No complicated and expensive packages. Ask us your unique security questions and/or learn more: Minnesota Security (952) 224-9191 info@minnesotasecurity.com https://www.minnesotasecurity.com/ #HomeSecurity #HomeSecuritySystems #SmartHomes#SecurityForSmallBusiness #SecurityForElderly #SmartPhoneSecurity#HomeSecurityApps #HomeSecurityNearMe #HomeSecurityServices#HomeSecurityServicesTwinCities #SaintPaul #Minneapolis #TwinCities#SecuritySystemsTwinCities #HomeSecurityInstall#BusinessSecuritySystems #BusinessSecuritySystemInstallation#HomeMonitoring #HomeMonitor #AlarmSystems#AlarmSystemsForMyHome #HomeAlarmSystemInstallation #Safe#Secure#Security #Safety #SafetySystemsForMyFamily#SecuritySystemsForLargeBusinesses #CommercialSecurity#VideoSurvellience #Fireprotection #WaterProtection #24HourMonitoring #Burglar #BreakIns #CrimeReports #crimeNearMe #CabinLife #Cabins #Secondhomes #SecondhomeSecurity #5starReview #googlehome #smarthometechnolgoy #smarthomes #LocalCrime #5starReview #PeaceofMind #neighborhoodwatch #shopsmall #LocalBusiness #HomeIntruders #smarthomes #localcrime