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Our Pets Work Hard...

Our pets have a rough life. Over-worked, Loyal, protective, extreme cuddlers and let's not forget all the walks and nap-taking. ;-)

So why not give them a break. Just because you have a pet, doesn't mean you have a built-in security system.

Yes, they can alert you when something isn't right. But what if you're not home when they try to alert you or warn off an intruder, mail-carrier or squirrel? What happens if a pipe-bursts, a fire should start or there's a carbon monoxide leak?

Give your pets a break and back them up with some extra support, security and safety measures, not just for yourself, but for them too.

When it comes to a home emergency, response time is paramount, especially when it comes to the pets who are left home alone.

-Got a picture of your hard-working pet?

Share their pic below in the comments section.


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