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How will your neighborhood be impacted by the upcoming #BigGame?

We got a small taste of what victory looks like in the metro area a couple of weeks back.

So what does that mean for our upcoming weekend and with all the visitors in the metro for the big game?

What does it mean for the neighbors and the community?

We're sure there's plenty of fun to be had, but some, inevitably someone will have too much fun.

How can your neighborhood prevent Party Central Chaos?

First: Make sure you're connected to your neighbors digitally.

Check out and join if you haven't already

Check out and join your local neighborhood Facebook Groups if you haven't already.

If you don't have your neighbors contact email (phone # or email) grab that ahead of time.


Look out for one another. Is there a party getting out of hand? Are you seeing problems pop-up, even before the big game? Is the noise level getting too much to bear? Is traffic becoming a problem? Parking?

These might start off as annoying problems but can quickly escalate.

Be sure to communicate with each other and keep everyone in the know.

The best prevention for keeping chaos and crime from happening is proactive neighbors.


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