Thanksgiving Home Security Safety Tips

Headed out of town for Thanksgivng?
Be sure to double check these tips to make sure you're leaving your house safe & sound.
- The mail - One of the main indicators to a potential burglar that you are not home and are not going to be home for a while is a huge stack of mail or newspapers lying on your front porch.
-- have a neighbor pic up your mail or have it stopped
- The social network - If you have a Facebook or Twitter account refrain from telling your friends and followers about the details of your travels. The internet is a breeding ground for criminal activity and this will tip burglars off that you are not going to be at home.
- Timers - Having timers installed in your home that will periodically turn on and off certain lights in your home will give the appearance that some is in the home while you are away. They can be an excellent deterrent.
- The phone - If you have a home phone don't leave the ringer on. If a burglar hears a phone ringing without being answered they will be able to ascertain whether or not someone is there watching over the place.
- Get a house sitter - Have someone you trust stop by the house periodically to check on it. They can pick up your mail, turn on and off lights, and just keep watch over your house. They can watch your pets while you are away too.
- Neighborhood watch - If your community has a neighborhood watch program in effect alert them that you will be out of town. They will then know the keep a little closer watch over your home.
Ask us your specific questions on how to keep you home safe all year around.
Minnesota Security will design a user-friendly security system that fits your home and individual needs, tailored to your lifestyle.
No complicated and expensive packages.
Easy and always covered.
Control and monitor your entire smart home system through one app, for complete convenience wherever you go (even on your Apple Watch)
Ask us your unique security questions and/or learn more:
(952) 224-9191
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