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Safety TIps On A Stick -  Ways to keep your home safe during #LaborDay Weeknd

1. Did you know you can call your local non-emergency # and let them now you're going to be out of town. You can request patrol vehicles drive by and check on your house while you're away.

2. Let a trusted neighbor or friend know you'll be gone. If you're expecting someone to pick up mail or water plants, let them know who that person is (maybe a description of that person and/or their car).

3. Leave your neighbor with an emergency contact # of someone who could swing by your home incase of an emergency. Or to swing by and check that all is good.

4. Secure your patio furniture. Outdoor left during labor weekends are not uncommon, so if you don't want someone walking off with your patior furniture, take a moment to secure it or put it away.

5. Keep your house well let - theives love the darkness

6. You're on your phone and tablet anyway, so if you have a security system that allows you to check on your house through your phone, tablet or smart watch, make sure you keep your phone nearby for alerts.

Have questions on how to keep you place safe while you're away, give us a call and let us be your home security resource.

Enjoy the long weekend.

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No complicated and expensive packages. Easy and always covered.

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