Monday Peace Of MindMonday Peace Of Mind: At home, with your family, at work and in your neighborhood. Today we're out and about in the City of Edina, MN...
This little device can fix your summer "hot room" problem.At more than 110 years old, air conditioning is still a modern marvel. However, one element of cooling design urgently needs an update:...
Missing my cabin when I'm back homeIt's Friday and you're headed out of work early to hurry up to the cabin. As you're sitting on 35N, you can't but help start missing the...
Life's A Beach!Here's your #MondayMotivation: 08-07-17 is National Beach Party Day! We know you're busy, working and/or watching the kids. So consider...
National Night Out is 08-01-17National Night Out is 08-01-17 #NNO is the best way to build a safer community is to know your neighbors and your surroundings. It...
Single Working Women's Day08-04-17 Is Single Working Women's Day - And all though we admire the hard work all women do, today we celebrate women working hard on...
Why Smart Home Security is the Best Vacation House-SitterWhen you go on vacation, it's extra-relaxing to have a friend or family member keeping an eye on things at home. This year, though, you...
When you thought your summer days were going to be more like this...When you thought your summer days were going to be more like this... ...but in reality, you're just as busy as you've ever been! Did you...
Time at the cabin shold be relaxing. Not Time Spent Trying To Solve A Crime.Time at the cabin shold be relaxing. Not Time Spent Trying To Solve A Crime. Here's another great tip on how to keep your cabin safe from...
Keep Your Cabin Safe From Break-Ins. Tip # 1Friday in Minnesota Means: It's Time To Head Up To The Cabin. We want to help you keep your cabin safe frm break-ins this summer. Start...