Urban Legend: Burglaries happen at night

Urban Legend: Burglaries happen at night
We all know the stereotype of the nighttime cat-burglar, clad in black, hoisting himself up through your open window and rifling through your belongings while you slumber unaware.
Myth Busted: But burglars don't just want to avoid being seen. They want to avoid meeting the homeowner. That's why most residential burglaries happen during the daytime when you're at work.
With smart home security, you can see exactly what's going on at home, thanks to video cameras and image sensors that alert you to important activity. Should you miss an alert in an emergency, 24-7 professional monitoring has your back.
Don't fall vicitm to security Urban Legends. Know the truth and stay protected
Ask us your questoins on how to keep your home and business protected.
-- Minnesota Security​ will design a user-friendly security system that fits your home and individual needs, tailored to your lifestyle.
No complicated and expensive packages. Easy and always covered.
Control and monitor your entire smart home system through one app, for complete convenience wherever you go (even on your Apple Watch)
Ask us your unique security questions and/or learn more: (952) 224-9191 info@minnesotasecurity.com https://www.minnesotasecurity.com/
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